Wednesday, August 17, 2005

We all float on

The other day at the store, I saw something in the frozen section called "Barq's Floatz," a product which was apparently a "root beer float in a cup," or something like that. I like root beer floats, and the novelty of seeing them prepackaged into such a form was too amusing to pass up. Well, it wasn't really worth it. Floatz combines something like a soft, root beer-flavored Italian ice with a fairly tasteless vanilla ice cream, then puts them together in a four-ounce cup six times and charges $4.50 for the privilege. They taste pretty good, but talk about a product that has no real reason to exist. With tax, each cup costs more than 75 cents, and I'm fairly certain that two scoops of vanilla ice cream and a can of root beer in a glass would cost less than that - and even if they did cost slightly more, you're also getting far more than four ounces' worth. I'm not sure who the target market is: people who refuse to be seen drinking a root beer float in public, but also don't own an ice cream scoop? People who think vanilla ice cream is too flavorful and root beer too fizzy? It's baffling. I may have eaten all six without thinking twice, but you can bet I wouldn't bother buying Floatz a second time.


Anonymous said...

You've got a great point. The price they charge for Barq's Floatz is too high. I'm a huge Barq's Fan and love the Floatz, but I won't buy them at full price. They sell them at my local Wal-Mart for about 3.99 but I won't buy them unless they are $2.99 or less. Even then it's still too much. It's all about value, and if J&J (the snack food company that makes Barq's Floatz) can't reel me in, Barq's #1 Fan, how do they expect to keep selling to the ordinary customer? Barq's Floatz are also available in a “push-up” tube variety, sold in bulk at Costco. To me the push-ups are a much better deal than the cups. You should give them a try before you rule out never buying Floatz again. Drink Barq’s. It’s Good.

James said...

Who's the target?

Two words: lazy people

Craig Barker said...

Ahem and excuse me, if any one who reads Flax's blog deserves to be called the barqsman, it is me. Not that I WANT to be (Only three of my friends call me Barqs), but damn it, it's out there.

Anonymous said...

This is what we in the marketing business like to call "buzz" - good old word-of-mouth advertising. Even if the review isn't all that positive, it still creates the idea of excitement about a product. Of course, usually you find buzz around items that are actually cool, like iPods or Razor phones, not artificial ice creams foodstuffs.

Besides, I never cared for Barq's - I prefer the saltier, frothier rootbeers, like Mug or Dad's. Also, Barq's is caffeinated. Why does rootbeer require caffeine?

Flax said...

I guess that's what causes it to have "bite?"

I would agree that I probably prefer Mug or A&W, though I'm not sure if I'd cal them saltier. Perhaps a taste test is in order. To the White Hen!