Tuesday, November 20, 2007

There's no news but beard news

You will, of course, recall the beard contest being held at work. We are now two weeks in. As a refresher, here's what I looked like on November 5:

Here is what I looked like on November 19, two weeks later (and, of course, yesterday):

I cleaned up the neck, because it would have been ridiculous if I'd gone four weeks without shaving anything. So I went from "guy who has gone way too long without shaving/hideous forest creature" to "guy who is actively sporting a clean beard." I don't think it's that bad a look, all things considered, although there's no way in hell I keep it beyond December 5.

Right now I'm leaning towards "friendly muttonchops," simply because I think that would just look incredibly silly, which is kind of the goal. I hope it gets full enough that it looks "funny silly" and not "can't grow a beard silly"; I think of all people I'm going to have one of the most full beards after a month, but a key part of friendly muttonchops (or its close cousin, the Franz Josef) is the mustache, and I've never grown an especially good one. So we'll see.

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