Friday, February 09, 2007

Posty post post

I'm starting to wonder if BlogRolling really works anymore. Okay, yes, it does keep all my links organized over there, but I could do that. The real reason to have used BlogRolling was that it told you when the links were updated (for blogs that allow it, as all of mine do). But I haven't seen an arrow there since that day a week or two ago where every blog had an arrow next to it. I'm thinking this is a problem.

The point of all this is that there are new posts in the Lost blog, the Frugal Gourmand, and Soccer Blog America. Given the sporadic update nature of most of my side blogs these days, that's something you might need to be told, assuming you had any desire to read them in the first place. And the arrows aren't taking care of business, so I guess I have to.

New real post in this blog later tonight, hopefully.

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