Saturday, June 07, 2008

What can't Brown do for you? Win the Belmont

Tyler and I have an occasional game where we try to guess the pun- or rhyme-based headlines that will arise from various sporting events. Today, as you may know, Big Brown not only didn't win the Triple Crown, he finished last in the Belmont's nine-horse field. Immediately my mind went to possible headlines on and the like:

"No Crown for Brown"

"Brown Goes Down"

"No Browning Achievement"

"Down Goes Brown"

"Brown and Out"

"Brown for the Count"

"Brown-Out at Belmont"

"Tears of a Brown"

"Big Brown Not Even #2 at Belmont"

And then there was Alma's suggestion:

"What's big and brown and smells like failure?"

EDIT: Oh man, you guys. So I posted this at 10 pm; at the time, the headline on was the non-pun-or-rhyme-based "Not So Fast..." As of this edit, the headline is "Brown and Out." Screen-cap proof here. I better see a royalty check in my mailbox soon, ESPN.

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